Senin, 12 Maret 2018

10 Twitter Marketing Mistakes By Social Media Marketers

10 Twitter Marketing Mistakes By Social Media Marketers

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10 Twitter Marketing Mistakes By Social Media Marketers

Wth mr thn 320 million active users, thr n doubt tht Twitter great marketing tool. It gv u mn opportunities t connect wth ur target audience. Whthr u r marketing startup r n established company, t plays crucial role n ur marketing landscape. Tht bng said u mut b conversant wth Twitter marketing etiquette, r u m nd u offending customers nd alienating prospects. Hr r th mistakes u huld nvr mk n Twitter.

Nt Hvng Twitter Marketing Strategy: Th frt nd greatest rule f Twitter marketing tht u mut hv strategy. Set goals, work n analytics, nd knw ur strengths nd weaknesses. Whl n f ur tweets mght g viral, u cant sit nd hope tht ll th thr will. Yu mut hv plan r youll b n one-hit-wonder. Whn formulating ur strategy, thnk utd th box. Test long-term nd short-term campaigns, record th metrics fr constant improvement, nd knw hw u n u ur account t t full potential. Understand ur target audience nd create dedicated marketing strategy fr Twitter.

Overselling Yur Brand: I t bl t oversell ur brand? Absolutely! Mn social media marketers tend t forget tht social media ll but engaging wth people. Th focus n gttng mr followers ntd f creating relationships wth thr audiences. On f th biggest mistakes u n mk n Twitter t focus solely n ur brand. Th mt successful marketers nt nl share thr brands messages nd drive traffic t thr sites, th concentrate n building relationships wth thr followers nd sharing third-party content. Fr vr brand-related post u share, share 4 community engagement r third-party posts.

Nt Ung Analytics Tools: Truth b told, thr r numerous Twitter analytics tools nd t n b hard t choose th perfect one. Thankfully, Twitter mk th job easy. Th site h t wn analytics platform tht helps u t knw hw ur tweets resonate wth ur audience. Yu n clicks n tweets t hw th performed nd learn but th interests, demographics, nd locations f ur followers. Yu n l u analytics tools uh Hootsuite r, Buffer.

Ignoring Feedback: Mt marketers d nt u Twitter t address customer feedback. Experience vrthng n th day nd age, nd u hv t monitor feedback f u wnt fans t bm loyal customers. Nurture relationships built frm bth negative nd positive feedback. Ignoring customers comments n Twitter lk ignoring emails; however, its worse n its n public platform. Put d ur fears nd engage wth ur followers n n open nd honest manner. Whn u respond t negative feedback tactfully, u wll b rewarded.

Buying Followers: Th n f th biggest mistakes people mk n Twitter. Mn nw marketers buy followers n order t jump-start thr Twitter marketing. Th n discover tht its futile. It bttr t hv 100 followers wh engage wth u thn 10,000 followers wh dont knw u exist. In addition, f ur followers r nt genuine, ur messages dont gt t them. Alw remembers tht quality overrides quantity. Dont focus n numbers, concentrate n building honest relationships. Buying followers n l create bad public reaction. It n ruin ur brand nd hv negative impact n ur bottom line.

Nt Ung Hashtags r Ung Thm Incorrectly: Twitter hashtags n hl create visibility fr ur brand nd showcase wht t h t offer. But ung t mn hashtags simply annoying. Limit hashtag usage nd u nl th tht relates t wht youre trng t communicate. If u dont u hashtags bu u thnk ur business t small, its time fr change. Hashtags n expand th reach f ur tweets nd hl u t gt mr followers. Mk ur h f ur tweets h t lt 1-2 hashtags.

Automating Evrthng: Mn marketers nd entrepreneurs schedule vr tweet nd send automated direct messages. Whl automation n decrease ur workload, t reduces genuine interaction nd ur followers m start t feel lk th r engaging wth corporate robot. Whn u automate everything, u turn ur account nt ghost town. Yur followers m start t wndr wh th follow u u r nvr available. A result, u gt unfollowed. If u schedule ur tweets, b ur t monitor ur account. Auto-tweeting n lead t epic blunders nd t h n th past.

Publishing Carelessly Written Tweets: Read m latest post nd Check th out r overused Twitter marketing phrases. Th r easily ignored, whh means u gt l clicks nd fwr RTs. Yu mut proofread ur tweets bfr publishing them. Followers wont bother t read tweets wth bad grammar nd spelling whn thr r mn correctly-spelled n ut there. Nvr forgets tht tweets r type f copywriting; t hv impact, th mut b legible nd attention-grabbing.

Nt Bng Social: Mn Twitter users r n th platform t engage wth thr families, friends, peers, nd thr favorite brands. Th follow brands n order t learn mr but thm nd t knw but promotions nd nw products. Th expect u t b approachable nd communicative. Dont mk th mistake f constantly posting promotional content. Create two-way conversation wth ur audience nd mk thm feel valued. Build rapport wth thm nd educate thm b posting important industry content. Th wont thnk tw but buying frm you.

Nt Hvng Consistent Brand Voice: Big companies lk Microsoft, Google, nd LinkedIn pay attention t thr brand voice. Brand voice refers t th style f writing nd th tone f communications. Th mega companies understand tht thr corporate tone f voice determines hw customers perceive them. Th l knw tht unique nd recognizable voice wht sets thm rt frm thr competitors. Yur brands personality determined b th content u share nd th words u use. Alw hv consistent brand voice. Nvr tweet n dffrnt tone r g off-topic u m alienate ur following.

Twitter mght b easy t use, but marketing n th platform n b difficult endeavor. Mn social media marketers struggle t leverage demand generation frm Twitter. Whl making mistakes part f life, m n b shocking nd downright embarrassing. Sm n vn mk ur brand t trend fr th wrong reasons. Avoid th Twitter marketing mistakes nd mk ur brand stand ut fr ll th rght reasons.

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