Kamis, 12 April 2018

Hamburger Secrets #2

Hamburger Secrets #2

Image source: http://del.h-cdn.co/assets/15/24/1434146420-burgers-04.jpg

Hamburger Secrets #2

You would think that needing to know when to start cooking at the bbq would be a no brainer, but time and time again I see the same cardinal sin committed.
One hard and fast rule applies here: make sure the bbq is HOT before you start placing food portions on it to start cooking!

Cranking up the bbq and throwing the meat on before the bbq has reached full temperature is a sure fire way to end up with a very average Hamburger. Why?

Well, I'll tell you.

#1 - Letting the bbq (and/or hot plate) reach maximum temperature ensures that any "nasties" that are there are burned away. By "nasties" I'm referring of course to things like germs and unwanted microbes that gather there from the last cook. A sort of sterilisation, if you like. I usually fire up the bbq, smear a little oil over the hot plate, and leave it to heat up for a good 15 minutes or so. Once the oil begins to lightly smoke, it's ready for me to start cooking.

#2 - Placing meat products on to a well heated bbq sears the meat quickly and locks in the flavour. If the bbq is not hot the food just sits there sweating. The juices run out on to the hot plate and whamo, dry cook. (Meats cooked like this usually have the texture of cheap leather: not very pleasant to eat).

#3 - Consistencies with your cooking. By this I mean you having an in-built timer whereby you'll automatically know (with practice) how long different foods will have to stay on the bbq. If your bbq is at maximum temperature, then you should be able to time how long your Hamburgers or Steak need to cook for. This also helps with timing when to place eggs, bacon, and other things on the bbq so that the different components of your meal are ready at the same time and not going cold or dry sitting on a plate somewhere (by the way, I dislike leaving food "to heat up later" because it just doesn't taste as good, so don't do it, OK?)

So there you go. A few simple tips on improving your culinary skills around the bbq.
Use them and you'll reap the rewards of not only better meals, but of your friends and family raving about your new found skills as a chef!

When cooking Hamburgers, there's a definite sequence to getting everything ready and succulent at just the right time. There's no point in cooking the meat "just right" and then your bacon or the egg is like cardboard. Not a good combination. That topic I'll discuss in another article. Until then

Have a great day around the BBQ!

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